joi, 1 martie 2012

New updates

I've read some articles about the new upgrades,
We are talking here about 41 megapixels, great resolution, new design.
You will find out tomorow.

miercuri, 29 februarie 2012

Who we are?

I was blaming the kids and the teenagers that they use smart phones to much, but we, the grownups...
We are using the smart phones much frequently then they.
But we are using them for business. I use it to read and write my emails, I copy my data base from my computer, I can supervise my employees when I'm out of office.
I have two sons and they are using some old mobile phones and I asked them "Why don't you buy a smart phone?"
They gave me a response that I did not expect..."What should we do with it?" .
I didn't know what to say, I hadn't any reaction.
I was happy, I was happy that they could socialize live with people and be able to have a clear conversation in the society.

marți, 28 februarie 2012

Major problem? Or leave it?

       Smart phones, don't we love them?
When we wake up in the morning, beside to our beloved person, and before kissing him or her, first we need to touch our smart phone.
Love is in the air. 
I'm absurd.
       This is not a good thing, becouse I see young kids and teenagers on the bus, in the train station, when they eat, when they talk with other persons, they cannot refrain to use theirs smartphone.
Is tragic, becouse they are ignoring their friends, family, and school.
What do you say about this?
Is fair? Or not?

  Do they need a law for this major problem?
  Do we call it a problem?

luni, 27 februarie 2012

The most annoying question

On the entire market lives an annoying question:
Which is better? Samsung or iPhone?
Is a hilarious question because the both companies make daily upgrades to the devices.

So is a tiny difference anyway, if it is...Of course, the Samsung users say that their smart phones are better, the iPhone users have the same opinion about their smart phones.
Is funny when two people meet and make a compare about their smart phones.
They will never stop making compares and they argue on this subject many hours.
What do you think about this?
Which is better?
Samsung or iPhone?

duminică, 26 februarie 2012


       I heard some things about smart phones …
( but don’t know if is true )                        
       I heard that mobile phones can produce infertility to men and if we talk to long at the mobile phone, the radio waves can produce brain cancer.
       But the most stupid thing that I heard is that if you use a smart phone you have a double risk. I don’t know what to say about this, maybe the long conversations at the cell phone can produce brain cancer, but the infertility? And why the smart phones have a double risk?
Maybe some specialists discovered something true or someone is trying to pull down the smart phones market?
      What do you say about this?

sâmbătă, 25 februarie 2012

The introduction into the smartphones world

       The fray between smart phone companies will never stop, it will always be a competition between the “titans”.
       All companies develop new models, new upgrades, new designs, new applications, is a continues battle for the first place.
       The first place is always a mystery because of the statistics made by many companies from the statistic area . Anyway the statistics are made in the sales area, quality area, design area, price area, and many others, is an unstoppable fluctuation.
       Smart phones will always use accessories like chargers, headset device, Bluetooth headset device, might tell you that in this business area is a heavy battle to. But this domain is similar with the smart phone domain, the strong ones survive, the weak are falling.
       Making a future projection of the future smart phones we will see holographic keyboards, the size of the smart phone will be similar with the size of a tablet, holographic video calls and many new gadgets.
If we remember haw mobile phones looked 10 years ago, with no camera, no memory, no colored display, we will be amused because in 2012 , we advanced ladies and gentlemen’s, now the „mobile phones” have the same characteristics like PDA device, they run based on a software, with high speed response, great photos, large memory, and they run the latest software applications.All of these new inventions are created just for us, to make our life easier and better.
       Further, we need to wait and see how the smart phones advance.

Here we have a 2002 model:
 And here a 2011 model:

See the difference.